Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Sketches of Trip to Dubai - March 2006

We arrived at an invigorating land that bubbled with youth and modernity. Our dearest ones received us with faces brimming with joy and hospitality.

We entered a house that was beautiful, well decorated and nurtured with love by a united and happy family. Each member welcomed us with joy abandon, with affection and with integrity. Every convenience was provided to us in a dignified manner, with programs very well planned by the lady of the house, and supported by each member of the family. There were no hassles, no confusions; every piece was in order and in its proper place.

Next day a lovely caravan arrived. Elderly, affectionate sisters and their spouses, each caring for the other. There were a series of hugs, a scenario worth to be seen, worth to be memorized, a gala gathering, unmatched and rare.

Next day we visited a unique village, one in which the entire world vied with each other to compete in one compact space, every product was available, each beauty shone, each pavilion was flush with a variety of goods and articles. It was a macro world exhibited in a micro village. Our hosts were in command and money flowed like a stream. No murmur, hospitality was at its zenith, love reigned.

Every day started with a nourishing breakfast. There were a number of cars at our disposal; glamorous malls were in the itinerary. Best of hotels were selected for food, our hosts led and we followed. Our hosts served and we enjoyed.

A beautiful day brought the union of a son with his parents. He had come all the way from a magic land, eager to welcome his parents to his house. He strove to meet his dearest elders and cousins, to experience the joy of a unique gathering of his maternal family.

The young generation now stepped in. Each one was well behaved, well mannered and well settled. They were eager to show their respect and gratitude towards their elders. The elders prayed in unison for their bright future and prosperity, to which they proudly replied, 'we follow the path of affinity and comradeship cultivated by our elders’. Turn by turn they hosted us in star ranked hotels and served delicious food with loving care. May their futures be bright by the grace of Allah and blessing of Aqa Moula (TUS).

What a sight was The Burj – AL-Arab. A wonder of the new world, an architectural beauty shining with human genius and tenacity. Entry to this palace was prohibited by its high cost and dress code, reflecting a feudal tendency. Still the rich could climb to the top and others applauded them from the bottom.

One evening we undertook a sojourn to the Marina City, an epitome of imagination. It appeared as though a corner of heaven had been planted on earth. Dubai's beauty was explored at night.

The day of departure arrived, a sister sobbed and her caring and big hearted brother consoled her. All the youngsters were satisfied that they had performed their tasks meticulously. A memorable farewell was given to us.

We spent the last night at a loving and caring sister's exhilarating home, on the banks of the sea. What a beaming sight, the sea was an arm’s length away. Parents and three sons lived under one roof. This was a happy, coordinated family under the patronage of efficient father and a resourceful mother

We encircled the towering buildings of Dubai in a boat, every building competing for architectural vanity. This was followed by dinner at an Iranian restaurant, a grand farewell by nephews to their dear Aunt.

The trip ended strengthening and imprinting family bonds. It narrowed generation gaps, and inspired youngsters and elders alike to plan for many more of such exciting gatherings. Every participant was happy and was left with ever lasting sweet memories.

May Allah save our family from evil eyes - Amin.


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